
Cobra Boxing Club provides free of charge boxing and Thai boxing sessions and therefore makes no financial gain whatsoever from their participants. We solely rely on funding and donations in order for the club to continue operating year by year.

As a registered non – profit Community Interest Company (C.I.C), all monies held in the club’s bank account will be used for the benefit of the community, e.g. paying the rent on facilities needed, purchasing equipment and starting new initiatives.

In the case that the club has to cease operating, I (Angelo), by law, have declared that all monies remaining in the club’s bank account upon closing will be donated to Cancer Research UK. A charity close to my heart and one that seeks to make a difference in the lives of many children and adults.

Every donation no matter how big or small matters to the club. So, if you would like to support Cobra Boxing Club continue the work it does, please donate knowing that we are utmost thankful.


– Angelo